Come join us at 10:45am on Sundays!

What we believe

You can find more detailed versions of what We believe at If the full statement seems like drinking from a firehose, here is a simplified list of things We believe and we will therefore do (please note – simplifying often means important things get dropped, so use the link above too):

God – meaning the Godhead, God as the one true God in three.
  • We believe in one true creator God, eternally existing in three persons, who desires relationship with everyone.
  • Therefore, we will pursue an active relationship with Him
God, the Father
  • We believe God the Father, being all-powerful and all good, rules in mercy and justice for His glory.
  • Therefore, we will trust Him and obey Him fully
God, the Son
  • We believe Jesus, the Son, became a man, died and rose again, providing the only way to peace with God for those who believe in Him.
  • Therefore, we will strive to share this truth with everyone we meet.
God the Holy Spirit
  • We believe God the Holy Spirit draws people to Himself, then both lives within them and empowers them to follow Him.
  • Therefore, we will welcome His presence and depend on His power.
The Bible
  • We believe the Bible, authored by God, is alive and active, relevant for life, and the standard for truth.
  • Therefore, we will strive to study it daily, share it earnestly, and apply it joyfully.
The Church
  • We believe the Church is the worldwide family of believers who are encouraging one another toward maturity in Christ while sharing Him with others.
  • Therefore, we will meet regularly, cultivate deeper relationships with God and one another, and reach out to non-believers.
  • We believe prayer is conversation with God – spoken or silent – involving praising, listening, and requesting.
  • Therefore, we will strive to be in constant communication with God.
  • We believe worship is our proper response of praise, awe, and right living to an infinitely worthy God.
  • Therefore, we will sincerely worship God in our daily living.
  • We believe all people are created in God’s image, yet, through disobedience, have become enemies of God.
  • Therefore, we will strive to show everyone selfless love and guide them toward right relationship with God.
  • We believe salvation is God’s gift of eternal life, offered to us in Jesus Christ, which restores relationship with the Father.
  • Therefore, we will clearly share the way to restore this relationship